Swamp of the Frogs
Swamp of the Frogs
February 21, 2017
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM PST
Event Description:
Historian Ellen Bell will present “Swamp of the Frogs: Gone but not forgotten” at the next general meeting of the Tustin Area Historical Society on Tuesday, February 21st beginning at 6:30 pm. The Swamp of the Frogs was a large, boggy marshland that extended throughout much of the original Irvine Ranch from Upper Newport Bay to Tustin’s Legacy and Red Hill areas. Ellen will discuss the history of how early settlers and ranchers dealt with the swamp using water control canals and how it eventually became an important groundwater source. Ellen is president of the Irvine Historical Society and author of the book “Irvine: Images of America.” She hosts a weekly radio talk show on KUCI 99.9FM on the history of Orange County called “Vintage Orange” and is a board member of the Orange County Historical Society. The meeting will be held in the community room at the Tustin Public Library. This meeting is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served. Visit www.TustinHistory.com for more information on this meeting and Tustin history.